
Quantum Mechanics

  • Aharonov-Bohm Effect

    The Aharonov-Bohm effect reveals that in quantum mechanics, potentials can significantly impact charged particles in areas without electromagnetic fields or forces. This stands in contrast to classical physics, which disregards the physical significance of potentials in the absence of fields.

  • Series On Quantum Mechanics

    I’ll post about physics for a few weeks to summarize my studies and experiments in university. The content of posts will serve as a foundation for future discussions and posts on the topic of quantum information.


  • Wave–Particle Duality of Light

    Light possesses the unique nature of being both a wave and a particle. This property, known as duality, allows us to explain light’s behavior from two different perspectives. In this post, we’ll delve into the terminologies that are essential for understanding the dual nature of light.

  • Fundamental Concepts in Electromagnetics

    This post introduces fundamental concepts in electromagnetics, including electromagnetic fields and potentials, Maxwell’s Equations, the Lorentz force, Gauge transformation.


  • Optional in Swift Programming

    We can avoid errors caused by nil values by using Optional types. Optional types should be safely unwrapped before use.